August 2015 Newsletter

We Are Moving To The Barn

  • At the recent Park Board meeting we were told that the barn will be finished by the end of August so that means the first two weeks in September will be the move.

Festival Raffle

  • First prize of a tour of the mansion went to Linda Kozlowski of Schererville, 2nd prize went to Anne Koehler of the History of the Wolf Mansion Book by Lynda & Clement Khan and 3rd place, a Wolf Mansion framed picture, went to Kathy Heckman.

New Museum

  • As you enter the barn from the new south doors and to the right will be a welcoming area and elevator to the second floor.  To the left will be our small office and next to that are the new restrooms. Continuing on will be the display area.  On the left wall will be our fire and police display and the antique fire truck.


  • Tuesday, August 11 – Board Meeting at Portage Library, 6:30 pm
  • Saturday, August 15—Book signing at the Museum, The Dutch in the Calumet  Region by author Ken Bult, 1—4
  • Wednesday, August 19—Bi-Monthly Meeting, Woodland Park, 7:00 p.m. James B. Lane, speaker
  • Tuesday, September 8, Board Meeting at Portage Library, 6:30 p.m.
  • Friday, Saturday and Sunday, October 2, 3 & 4– Open house for the new barn  museum and welcoming all alumni
  • Saturday, October 3,—Portage Alumni dinner dance at Duneland Falls
Posted in 2015, NewsLetter.